Thursday, February 26, 2009

It is done

Coming home from Georgia was really hard for me. I held in all that I felt so that all would know that I am happy. Not that I don't love it here in Salt Lake with my husband and life, but all the memories, feelings, and voices fill me when I walk into the home that I have known for ten years. The familiar front steps that I have climbed so many times before are found easily under my feet. I spent many days standing on those steps talking and watching my family around me. Now I climb them after such a long time away and enter a home full of love. Time has passed so quickly and slipped away from me, and I wonder sometimes if I made the most of it. There were days that I would sit on my parents' bed soaking in everything around me because I knew it would end. Oh how the moments when I was able to hold close those that I love so much are cherished. Only for a moment though and then I must return. My mind and heart know how much I miss the smells, laughter, music, voices, and just the time that filled my life when I was younger. Sometimes I wonder why things change, why when things are so happy do they move forward and change. How sweet are the moments I have to grasp what was once reality.As my mother learned from her mother, the archer wishes his arrow to travel as far, as straight, and as true from his bow as he can make it. As the archer, so did my parents wish the same for me. It is up to me now to fulfill what lies ahead as a strong and independent daughter. The arrow sometimes dreams of being carefully tucked away on the archers back staying close to what is familiar, but oh, what beauties he is missing.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

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